
Microsoft 365 Data Governance

Red X Carbon offers comprehensive Microsoft 365 Data Governance services to help organizations protect and manage their data assets in the cloud. With our expertise, we empower organizations of all sizes to implement robust data governance frameworks tailored to their specific needs.

Key Features

Data Classification and Labeling

We help you classify and label your data to ensure sensitive information is appropriately protected and managed.

Data Retention Policies

Our experts work with you to define data retention policies that comply with regulatory requirements and organizational needs.

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Data Security and Privacy Policies

We assist in establishing data security and privacy policies to safeguard your data against unauthorized access and ensure compliance with data protection regulations.

Monitoring and Compliance

We monitor cloud data governance processes to ensure they are effective and compliant with relevant standards and regulations.

Training and Best Practices

Our team provides training on cloud data governance best practices to empower your staff to effectively manage and protect data assets.

Red X Carbon's Microsoft 365 Data Governance services offer a comprehensive solution to ensure the security and integrity of your data in the cloud.

Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you implement robust data governance practices.

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Learn how we can provide Microsoft 365, Azure, and Security solutions for you.